What can $30.00 buy
My blog friend over at Denver Deal seeking mom keeps me up to date on the greatest deals! I am one of those crazy coupon people. If you are one than you know just what I am talking about! Stop by her blog and you will see just why we do coupons like we do, tell her I said hi!
This is what I bought over the weekend for $30.00. Now don't worry this is a snack surplus that will last quite awhile, and they are great for lunches, it isn't like we are dining on crackers and caprisuns everynight only 1 or 2 isn't bad. Just kidding! The caprisuns were 37 cents each! Yippeee. I love when King Soopers has their stock up and save sale. I also submitted a kraft foods rebate, on top of the coupons I had.