Happy Birthday to me!!

It is my birthday today!  Which means no exciting projects to share.

I can’t believe I am  34.


Here are my plans today:

1.  Make everyone breakfast Have breakfast in bed

2. Run around like mad chasing the kids cleaning up messes Notify Prince charming the kids have made a mess

3. Eat healthy nutrient rich food  Eat cake until I gain 5 pounds who I am trying to impress I am 34!

4. Wash Laundry   Make more laundry as I try on a thousand outfits that don’t say, “Hi I am a mom and I am 34”  But I also don’t want to say, “Hi I am a mom, I am 34 wishing I was 20 and have no business wearing this!”

5. Play with the kids Just teasing of course I am going to play with the kids that is the fun part of my job!

Enjoy I will be back tomorrow with a fun project!

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  1. Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Enjoy the cake and being pampered :)



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