Check it out-Fun organized Library bags

We are so excited we have a brand new library, and it is fantastic!!! They have thousands of movies for kids and adults and great books! When we got our fancy new library cards we also got fun bags to hold all of our books.


I couldn’t just leave them alone, so out comes my cricut and vinyl!

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Here is the organization part. I want the kids to be responsible for the books they check out. So I printed off these two little signs and sandwiched them with scrapbook paper. On one side it shows how many books and the other how many movies. Then I laminated them using clear contact paper, so they can write on them with a dry erase marker each time we check something out. Simple but valuable.


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  1. Great idea...I may have to add something to our bags. I really need my kids to learn to be responsible for their books/movies/cds. We have checked out so many things!



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