An organized Christmas is a Happy Christmas

I know, I know don’t boo me!  It is not even Thanksgiving and I am talking Christmas, but really you have to be on the ball now.


A lot of people ask me how I do it all and not look like this.  Well I never look like that my hair is brown, LOL!


You know the big guy in the red suit?  You know the one with the list that he checks  twice?  He must know something right?  After all he has to worry about millions of kids and we only have to worry about a few and he gets it all done so he must be on to something.


Here is the key to my success.  This is how the magic happens in the castle.  

As of today I have already planned everyone’s gifts, made a budget, figured out and purchased most of our stocking stuffers, planned our holiday meals, and started preparing the house.  I have also planned out our 24 days of fun.  You can see last year ideas here.   This week I also plan on starting on the gifts I need to make.  I will not be crafting on Christmas Eve, I will not be crafting on Christmas Eve, say with me, I will not be crafting on Christmas Eve.

I have also meal planned for the next 2 months.  Normally I do this a month at a time but this way I can focus on the fun and magic of the holidays instead of chores. 

I gather my printables from here and here.  They both offer great advice and schedules and ideas to get it all done.  I pick the parts I like most and use those. 

Are you still here?  I thought you might have clicked off in shear disgust that someone is that organized. Hey at least I still have some shopping to do, unlike some of those really crazy people that are done shopping in June.  Yea I called you crazy, can we still be friends?

How about you what do you do to get organized? I would love to hear your tips, I am always looking to improved my methods.

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  1. Jen, I love

  2. My goodness, I have been on both sites all morning...thank you for the best present a wife and mother could get. I love the homemade gift items and that is what a lot of my friends will get this year.
    Many thanks!

  3. You are welcome! My Christmas cards are ready to roll, meals planned, I finished 3 gifts over the weekend.



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