Twas the night before Valentines Day

and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.  (well except me)


Here is the final presentation of our DIY sidewalk chalk for the Youngest Prince.


Call it goo, call it slime, call it flarp. I don’t care  you call it as long as you call it Ca-ewwwt.

Get it “ewwww”

We made homemade slime for the oldest prince, and put it in old film canisters.  Hello frugal valentine!

The tag reads, You are a goo’d friend.  Ha!

And now the rest on my funny poem.

The valentines are packed in their satchels with care.

The kids were all nestled all snug in their bed while visions of pink and red candy danced in their  heads.

With pa in his pjs and I with glitter in my hair. I had just started to sit down. When from the crafty room came such a clatter. Pa sprang from his bed to see what was the matter.

Away from the room I flew like a flash. I threw open the cupboards, and tore through my stash.

Pa heard me exclaim as I flew out of sight, “oh crap I forgot the teachers. Looks like I will be up all night!”

Ha, Ha thank goodness I really do have  a stash of cute projects I have worked on to share with teachers, I didn’t forget more like ran out of steam. 

Happy Valentines


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  1. BRAVO!! I love the film canister goo! That's the only downside to using a digital camera!

  2. Thanks Jackfrosty. I will be sad when my supply runs out I am not even sure you can get them anymore. I went to Target 5 years ago and they gave me a huge bag. I have used them a lot for scouts. We made first aid kits with them, trashbag holders, and rockets. I have a few left thank goodness because those rockets are really fun!



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