You have to start somewhere-Baby Quilt

Hey all sorry for my lack of posting, it has been busy, busy, busy at the castle.  The royal children are almost out of school which is code for we are going to cram as much stuff as possible in the last week.  It fine, it’s fun, really it is.


I whipped up this fun little strip quilt to go on the baby bed I am making for the little princess.  I am done with the bed but I still haven’t painted the darn thing, but the weather has been completely suckish!  Like I was locked in a 6X6 bathroom with 18 children and 5 adults while a tornado passed suckish.  Raining for days, and days so much so I thought about building an arc suckish.  But any who I will show you the cute quilt while you wait.


This was my first attempt so don’t look too close.  It was fun and really super simple to make, another if you can sew a straight line you can make this kind of a project.  Hmmm…. that would be a fun linky party maybe we should do that!

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