2 Liter Bio-Towers

Hi Ho Everyone!

We have been busy, busy at the castle!  Not much crafting going on, but we are having tons of fun!


Last week we made eco-towers out of recycled two-liter bottles.  What a fun teaching tool!  I really love hands on science fun. I won the science fair when I was a kid, I really should have become a science teacher.  We made these with our cub scout den to learn about the cycle of water, about consumers and decomposition and the life cycle of plants.  It is an aquarium and terrarium all connected.  We also added some worms so we can watch them add nutrients to the soil with the plant.


This is Gary the snail, he is actually pretty fun to watch and really easy to keep alive unlike goldfish that instantly die in our house.  If you look really close you can see our worm too!

Here is some great information about creating your own eco-tower and some neat science experiments to go along with it.

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