Burlap Laundry room sign

Burlap is in right now and you bet I jumped on that wagon! This weekend I begged and pleaded motivated Prince Charming into hanging my shelves I wanted in my laundry room. I will show you those as soon as I finish the finishing touches. I had a space above my door that I thought needed a little somehthing. I had some burlap leftover from my family rules clipboard and an old frame. I don't love the frame but it is what I had laying around and it is the perfect size. This was super simple to make.
I simply cut the burlap to fit the cardboard, mod podged it in place. Then I used my cricut to cut the letters on contact paper to create a stencil. Then using a dry brush technique I brushed on black acrylic paint.

I love it! The texture of burlap is so fun and it really is super cheap.
How cute...I love burlap.