Our Family Rules

This is the final part of our plan to help the kids follow the rules. We had a family meeting and we all helped decide what our family rules should be. I think it helps to have a visual reminder of what we decided so I came up with this cute little clipboard. I picked up the clipboard for .25 cents at the thrift store, I knew I would be able to use it for something. I also picked up the big piece of burlap at the thrift store for .50 cents. You can easily pick these items up at JoAnne's or Hobby Lobby as well.

Then I used Mod Podge to adhere the burlap to the clipboard. This can be picked up at any craft store. You can use it for a ton of projects! Just apply a thick coat on your clipboard using a paintbrush. The smooth your burlap into place. Don't worry if it comes through the holes it will dry clear.

You can trim your edges, I liked mine a little more frayed. I added ribbon to the holes, to add a little color. Then I simply printed our rules on a transparency sheet, so as the kids get older if we need to adjust the rules we can. I hung this on our cabinet next to the reward charts I made using the command adhesive hooks so it doesn't cause any permanent damage.