Glamorous Eggs

Another Egg-cellent post about eggs. This was a fun one to do with the kids. First I blew the eggs out. I used a needle that I gently hammered through the top and then I made another small hole on the otherside as a starter spot. I used a dremel tool to make the whole a little bigger it work wonderfully. Then I used a one of those blue snot suckers to blow into the little hole which pushes all of the egg stuff out.

Then I had the kids brush decopouge medium all over the egg, and we immediatly pour glitter and the egg to cover it. I used a paper plate below it to catch all of the excess glitter so we can use it later.

Then you let it dry. You will inevitably get fingerprints on it, so after it is dry just go back over those spots using the same technique.


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