Chalkboard Paint is Egg-scellent

What do you get when you mix unfinished wooden eggs and chalkboard paint? Totally cute Easter decorations!

I picked up these unfinished wooden eggs forever ago at my favorite habitat restore for .25 cents for 4. I almost forgot about them until I was walking around Michael's and saw them. I knew what I wanted to do with them when I picked them up. Simply paint each egg with the chalk board paint and let it dry. Then decorate however you please, you can change the decorations whenever you want. Isn't that great! You could even use colored chalk if you really want to go wild. I dig black and white so that is what I used.

I know black isn't a typical Easter color but it is what I had on hand and I think it is sophisticated. You can also get a whole rainbow of chalkboard paint colors at most home improvement stores if you want a vibrant batch of eggs.

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