An Easter What????

The youngest prince had an Easter party today, and I came up with some cute little treats that didn't involve candy. Before you think, She is such a cool mom let me explain.

This is a new preschool for us and they have quite a few parties that they exchange goodies. Well I seem to always be out of the loop. For the Christmas party I was"that" parent that completely forgot until we were leaving the school with his goodie bag sans our goodie.

"Sorry Buddy"

We just happen to see his teacher at soccer practice and she asks, "Are you ready for the Easter Party?" Immediately my heart starts beating fast and I start to break a sweat. Oh man were we supposed to have a treat I am thinking to myself. Later that night we get home and the little prince is telling Prince Charming they made goodie bags. Oh no we really are suppose to have something. Eeee gad I am trying to get ready for Easter at our house now what? So I email a friend to confirm. I just have to hear it one more time to confirm the bad news.

Sooooooo what do I have at the house that I can whip up and still look like a super cool mom? Well homemade play dough and a cute little poem will have to do! I tossed and turned all night coming up with the little poem. I hate that, I swear every time I need a poem I am up all night. It is a good thing I am not a poet in real life, I would be one tired lady!

The poem reads:

I am so Hoppy you are my friend,
Here is some dough to shape and bend.
Although it might look like a sweet treat to eat,
It will probably taste like bunny feet.
From The little Prince

You can find my play dough recipe here.

And that is why I am the cool mom who didn't bring candy!


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  1. You are so funny! I love your play dough. We are going to make it!

  2. Going to do this with the kids tomorry (school vacation) to bring to the Easter dinner on Sunday! This is my favorite playdough recipe, too. I never knew the cream of t was to keep it from getting moldy. You might not be the Mom who gives "cool candy" but you're a totally cool Mom! Thanks for the idea!!

  3. I love making playdough and used to make it for my boys when they were little, now I make it for my grandkids and they love it!! It is a great "together" thing to do with your family. Thanks for stiring up the memories!



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