Framed Car Part Name sign

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KODY!!! My nephew is turning 14! I can't believe it the first time I met him he was only a 2 year old red headed cutie. Now he had grown into a wonderful young man. He has to be one of the nicest teenagers I know. I am so proud to say he is my nephew.

Happy birthday bud!

I love making gifts for all of my friends and family, but teenage boys make it really hard. I remember seeing some really cool name photographs made from car parts. So this morning I jumped up and started hunting for car parts that will spell K-O-D-Y. Thank goodness his name isn't something like Alexander! Since I didn't think of this until the last second and we have 2 soccer games this morning. I am sure my neighbors think I am crazy! Running around hair all a mess, in my pajamas with no shoes at 6:45 a.m. taking pictures of tires and license plates. Ok maybe I am a little bit, but I like to think of it as whimsical!
Here are the random car parts I found. I turned them black and white with photoshop to make them all work together.

I printed them and turned them into this using a cheapo frame from Walmart.
Pretty cool huh! I used my cricut and vinyl to add the year he was established. Hopefully he will like it. I am giving him cash too so he doesn't think I am totally lame if he hates it. He is a teenager and all. I think I may make one of these for Prince Charming for fathers day for the garage.
I am linking this fun project up to:

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  1. nice. I've had this idea for several years. Started to take pictures of letters as I've found them... still haven't put anything together. Wanna know why? Ok.. b/c I can't figure out how to get them framed. What to do. I'm guessing that this was a 4 opening frame, right? Any ideas on what to use if you need something like "Sophia"? Sigh. So many good ideas and I've no way to execute them! LOL!

  2. Oh Amy that is easy! Not as cheap but still can be done. All you need to do is have a mat cut to the size and the number of openings that you want. We had one that had our entire soccer team given to us. you could even buy your own mat board and cut your own, if you find a frame that would work. You could also get individual frames and connect them with little hinges super cute and you could do a really long name if you wanted. Now hurry go print some and then come back and share!

  3. Amy- just get a 11 3/4 x 36in matte cut...don't even get the openings cut for a picture. Then just use photo corners or double stick tape to stick it to the matte. You can get a collage photo frame that's 11 3/4 x 36 in and stick the matte in there. (I sell these pictures locally in my city) I don't know if you have a Hobby Lobby by you, but they are the best place for the mattes and frames- they are on sale every other week for 50% off!

  4. Well even better Melissa! Thanks for stopping by and for leaving tips!

  5. I love the finished product! So great. In my opinion, you just can't beat homemade.

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  7. How cute!!! I've made a couple of these in the past, but I love the idea of car parts.. esp. since I have 2 little boys who love all things with wheels!



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