I'm still here-Poor Me
Sorry all, it was a whirlwind week so unfortunately that meant I had to neglect my poor blog. Either that or I would pull my hair out curl up in the fetal position and moan quietly in the corner. Since there are people counting on this Princess I thought the first option sounded the best.
Never fear though I have some really fantastic projects this week to make up for it!
This is what I was doing all week......
We had a whole bunch of this:

We had two soccer games and I was in charge of snacks. As you can imagine I don't just throw a bag a chips and a soda together and call it good. These kiddos know me and expect something cool! So I made personalized water bottles and attached those cute little koolaid singles. Sorry no picture I tell you it was a mad, mad week!
In between the games we had to rush over to do this....

We had soccer pictures too! I think they are making fun of how I feel???
I also had a little bit of this:

It was our big cub scout recruiting night so I had to put together a big presentation on top of my regular jobs, which as a cubmaster is a lot!
And then....

I had to put up one of these in the middle of my chaotic week. Really when it rains it pours.
We also had one of these at the house:

The oldest prince celebrated his 8th birthday. I said I was going casual, yea right! I couldn't stop myself. We had enough food to feed 75 people easy and you know they say presentation is everything after all!
Since the big bash was at the house it meant I had to do a lot of this

Yes this looks like me only I wasn't smiling, and my hair was crazy and my clothes didn't match!

Never fear though I have some really fantastic projects this week to make up for it!
This is what I was doing all week......
We had a whole bunch of this:

We had two soccer games and I was in charge of snacks. As you can imagine I don't just throw a bag a chips and a soda together and call it good. These kiddos know me and expect something cool! So I made personalized water bottles and attached those cute little koolaid singles. Sorry no picture I tell you it was a mad, mad week!
In between the games we had to rush over to do this....

We had soccer pictures too! I think they are making fun of how I feel???
I also had a little bit of this:

It was our big cub scout recruiting night so I had to put together a big presentation on top of my regular jobs, which as a cubmaster is a lot!
And then....

I had to put up one of these in the middle of my chaotic week. Really when it rains it pours.
We also had one of these at the house:

The oldest prince celebrated his 8th birthday. I said I was going casual, yea right! I couldn't stop myself. We had enough food to feed 75 people easy and you know they say presentation is everything after all!
Since the big bash was at the house it meant I had to do a lot of this

Yes this looks like me only I wasn't smiling, and my hair was crazy and my clothes didn't match!
Then it was followed up with this:

We took a trip to check out a local wildlife sanctuary with our Cubscout den. It was really, really neat! They had so many huge, and I mean huge tigers! They were the happiest tigers I have ever seen.
and finally.......
Since you read this whole poor me post I will share a little secret about these.
No the secret is not that I am sitting here eating all the leftovers! This looks like a ton of MM's right? Well it is a lot but not as many as you think.
My secret is......
Put an upside down glass inside the hurricane before you fill it up. It takes up a bunch of the space the MMs fall beside it and hides it so it looks like the whole thing is full when it really isn't, because I am not spending $16.00 just for MM's.
See wasn't that worth reading all of my poor me post just to get that little gem of knowledge!
I am going to go eat my MM's and wallow in my exhaustion.