Trash to adorable playhouse bench
Our city has a big bulk pickup day where people throw away tons of stuff. I happen to see my neighbor throwing away some really nice real wood doors and promptly ran over in my bare feet to see if I could take them. They were more than happy to let me have them! Prince Charming however gave me the "you want me to haul what over here" look. When will he ever stop doubting me? I know my projects seem crazy but they always seem to go the way I plan work out in the end after he fixes them, right.
This was a nice bi fold door, with just a few scratches. I was originally go to turn it into a corner shelf but then I realized I don't really have any corners it would work in, so on to plan B. Create an adorable bench to match the cute floor I painted in the playhouse.
So while Prince Charming was at work I thought I would amaze him with my mad carpentry skills. I was going to build the bench by myself, after all I made my really cool wrapping paper organizer how hard could it be? Yea they are mad alright, I was so mad at this stinking thing!!!! The screws wouldn't go in, I broke a drill bit off trying to predrill, I was getting all sweaty, and then after I was all done the cotton pick en thing was wobbly. ARRRRGGGG so when Prince Charming got home I showed him my pathetic attempt at real construction, and he reassured me that he could fix it up.
And fix it up he did......
(see the cute floors, I just painted the plywood base in a checkerboard pattern)
Isn't it cute? He made it awesome, he added the trim at the bottom, built a frame and attached the two pieces of the door.
Isn't it cute? He made it awesome, he added the trim at the bottom, built a frame and attached the two pieces of the door.
"Thanks Prince Charming!! You really are the best!!!!"
(Please excuse the dirty little boy, we had a long day of playing!!)
I was going to sew a cushion to rest on the top, but I decided to upholster it because I just knew the kids would drag the cushion all over the place. This cost nothing, Nada, zilch to make. We had everything at the house. I don't love those pillows but for now they get the job done. The kids love it, heck I even like hanging out in the house. You might just find me hanging out in there playing tea by myself!
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