Simply sweet little gifts

This weekend my adorable niece turned 10.

  Happy Birthday Madison!!!

I always like to make gifts for the kids, it is just my calling card.  Hopefully they don’t think I am the aunt the always knits that hideous sweater that their mom makes them wear.  You like my gifts right?  Tell me you do!

DSC03011This is what I whipped up to go with the cute purse I made awhile back.  Click on the picture and you can see that post.

DSC03360DSC03361I made her this really cute lip gloss holder.  I picked the lip gloss up crazy cheap and then jazzed it up!  I used my cricut to cut the case. I LOVE IT!!!  If anyone wants to give this a try I do have a million of these, I went a little crazy because they were so cheap.  Just shoot me an email and we can work it out.

DSC03357DSC03358I also made her a scrabble tile necklace.  I used the exact same technique I used for the washer necklace which you can check out here.   You wanna know the sad part?  She has no idea what scrabble is.  Oh no I am officially getting old, my toys are antique!!!  It still is out there, I know I saw it!  I picked up a game of scrabble at the thrift store and I will have an endless supply of letters!


I am throwing this one in just because it was fun.  This is my niece and her cute hair that I did for the 4th. 

Happy Birthday I love you Madison!


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