Baby let’s Cruise: Take along car holder and mat

If you follow me on Facebook I know I promised I would show you what I did with a $5.00 clearance set of sheets but I just haven’t had a chance to do a photo shoot.  I will! 

In the mean time I want to show you this crazy cute project, I whipped up for a birthday party.    It is kinda like a crayon roll on steroids.   Just warning you I was a single mother this weekend so it is not my best tutorial.  In between I had to keep the troops from declaring  mutiny, so you only get this kinda lame tutorial.


Here is what you need more or less, I kinda worked on the fly so if you have questions just ask.

  1. 2 pieces of fabric 16 1/2 X 15 inches.  In my case I used a blue and a green
  2. Black fabric or something like I used here which was kinda like giant bias tape.  I don’t even know what it is really for it was given to me.  Sorry!
  3. 1 pocket piece of fabric cut 10 X 15 inches.  Folded in half to make a piece 5 X 15 inches
  4. Rick Rack if you want it
  5. 1 Piece of ribbon about 10-12 inches long
  6. 1 scrap of fabric for name
  7. Iron on adhesive if you want to add a name, make sure you get the sew able adhesive otherwise it will gum up your needle.


1. Pin and stitch your street on the right side of your inside layer.


2.  Take your folded pocket piece and pin and stitch on two short sides and the bottom.  Leave the top open as this is where our cars will go.  Once you have stitched it in place starting about 1 inch from the side mark and draw lines every two inches.  Now stitch down those lines creating 7 little pockets that fit matchbox cars perfectly.  You can adjust for bigger cars if you want.


3,  I didn’t take great shots of this next step but I am sure you will figure it out.  We are going to appliqué the letters on.  I used my cricut and scrap fabric to create the appliqué.  You simply adhere the iron on adhesive to the back of your fabric.  Using a nice new cricut blade and max pressure cut your letters out.  Then following the manufactures directions adhere those letters to your outside piece of fabric.   You can also do the same thing just printing the letters and tracing them.  Once you have adhered them you will go over all the edges using an appliqué or satin stitch.    


4.  Ok now we are just making a big fabric sandwich, if you want to add rick rack now is the time.   With you right sides together, you add the rick rack to the very outer layer.   Pin everything in place.

DSC_0306 5.  Before you sew it all up we need to add the ribbon so we can tie it shut.  Fold your ribbon in half and tuck the whole thing inside with the fold in between your layers and pin in place.   Sew all of the sides leaving about a 4 inch spot open so we can turn it all right side out.  DSC_0316    

Stitch the opening closed and walla, you have a super easy and cute gift that any 4 year old boy will go crazy for!  The young Prince has already requested one for him. I was kinda thinking I might figure out how to make one for My little Ponies for the princess.   If I do I will try and take better pictures so you don’t get a lame tutorial like this one.  

Oh yea I painted the yellow stripes on using fabric. Next time I will put a little more effort into the lines, sheesh those photograph bad.   I couldn’t find my brush so I slapped it on, with whatever brush was close.

How does that saying go, “Haste makes Waste”  yea, yea the kids were hungry what do you want from me?  I still think it is super cute even with my lousy paint job.


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