My grandma what big eyes you have…..

“The better to see your darling little red riding hood costume Princess.”

Ok not exactly how the story goes but this one sure has a happy ending.  Remember those $5.00 clearance sheets I bought. 

Well taa daa this is what I did with them……..


Sorry I don’t have a tutorial for ya but I still have to make a Captain Underpants costume and a vampire.

I picked up the red sheets for $5.00 and the white is a lace sheet I picked up at GW for $1.00.  So for $6.00 I have a super cute costume and there is not a single piece of plastic anywhere on it.  I just love that my kids pick something unusual.  Yea I know Little Red Riding Hood is not really on usual but you wait and see how many Power whatever’s you see and how many little red’s you see, then you will think it is more unusual.

Really this costume couldn’t be more simple except maybe going to the store, and throwing some elbows and poking a few eyes and picking up the last Princess costume in town.  No scratch that this was much easier it only took about an hour and there was no eye gouging involved. I didn’t have to hem a single  hem because I strategically cut each piece.  See the hood, well that is made from the bag the sheets came in. Easy!

Gotta run were off to Grandma’s house.

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