Paula Deen is in my oven

paula deen

Ok not actually Paula Deen, I could never do that her.  Although she is so darn cute I could just eat her up.   Does that sound like crazy stalker talk?  I promise I am not a stalker!pan

I  have Paula Deen’s adorable stone wear baking pan in the  oven.  Isn’t cute????  My dear sweet family gave me a set of two for Mother’s day.   I have been searching for a recipe to test out my beautiful new pan and since it snowed here yesterday I thought I would give it a whirl.  Yep you read that right it snowed here.  Ugggg, won’t it ever be spring?  Oh wait that is spring in the Rockies got to love it!

I love this pan so much I had to blog about it.  It not only looks beautiful it also bakes beautifully!  This is not your everyday stone pan either.  I had some others that I had to give away.  I swear you needed a fork lift to get the thing out of the oven.  This is lightweight but bakes just lovely as the others, if not better.  The scalloped edge is so pretty it will put all others to shame at the potluck.  Although this bake ware has the look of a fancy schmancy boutique you can pick it up at Walmart for under $20.00.  There is also a bread pan that begged for I ever so slightly hinted I wanted it for my Birthday in June.  Maybe Paula Deen is reading this and will sponsor a give away, wouldn’t that be great?  You can check out the whole  line here.  I didn’t even see that there is also a pie plate, I need that too! 

The brownies are Chocolate chip cookie dough, they sure looked pretty, but the taste was a bit of let down. Which is why I am not sharing my recipe, unless you really want it.



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