Teacher Appreciation Day

It is National Teacher Appreciation Day.  So here is to all the men and women who have the patience to teach new math because I sooooo don’t get it!   No really we have always been blessed with fantastic teachers I want them to know how much they are appreciated! 

Mrs. M and Mrs.  W you are the best!


Every year I like to put together a basket full of yummy muffins made from scratch and full of love.  This year I did to die for carrot cream cheese and chocolate chip banana.  I purchased little bottles of juice to make the basket complete.


This year I also added some personalized tea bags with cute little wrappers.


(sorry the pictures are a little blurry I was in a hurry)

These are super simple to make.  I used MS Word to create a little tag, trimmed them to size and glued them to the tag that is already on the tea bag.


I also added a reversible washer necklace for each of them which I made with my totally rockin cricut!  I L-O-V-E these I will share my tutorial tomorrow on how to make them.  Don’t worry if you don’t have a circut you can still make these cuties.


Finally I made them each a handmade card that coordinated with everything in the basket including the necklace.  I was please with the cards. I tell you I can make some crazy crafty stuff but for some reason cards are hard!  I swear if you slapped macaroni on them they would look like something the kids made.  These ones turned out pretty darn cute, right?  I know there are some unbelievably talented card makers out there, I am just not one of them so these are good for me.

Don’t panic you still have time, it is National teacher appreciation week this whole week so you still have time to do a little something!


This is what I did last year along with a basket.  Just pick up a clipboard and mod podge scrapbooking paper and ribbon to the surface.  I painted the back with acrylic paint.  Sorry I don’t have any pictures of the back this is before I was blogging.


I am linking these cute ideas to:


papercrafting 8706212588371209115

Post a Comment

  1. these are great presents, not just for teachers! Your children's teachers are lucky!
    I totally forgot about it...so thanks for a great reminder!

  2. Can't wait to see your tutorial! great gifts!!

  3. Here is my tutorial,I would love to see what you make!




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