My little addiction and a Winner

First things first.  The winner of my fun little dry erase boards according to the random number generator  is…………

Mrs. Weber

Thanks everyone for following me and giving me a reason to craft!!!!   Mrs. Weber just let me know which board you would like and I will get it off to you.

Now about my addiction… 

Hello I am the Princess and I am addicted to banners.

I love them all!  I just can’t stop making them, looking a them, dreaming about them.  I just don’t think I can have just a flat paper sign it is so boring. I just love the touch of whimsy a simple banner adds. 


This is the banner I made for the display box at the school that holds all of our photos.  I picked up the adorable kraft paper at the Dollar tree. 

They also had one with pink and brown dots that screamed baby shower.  Now who wants to have a baby girl so I can make one?


I also whipped up these adorable matching name tags to go with the photos.  I used the same kraft paper and glued that to binder clips to create the holders. 

What is your crafty addiction?


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  1. I am soooo addicted to my cricut and any reason to use it the better :) non cricut addiction- here lately I have been trying bottle cap jewelry it is soo fun and easy!

  2. Yea!! Thank you I am so excited I love being able to decorate and have it be functional. I consulted the toddler and she says it has to be the ghost. And I am with you the crayons are so much better than plastic spiders. I miss having the Oldest Prince and his Whimsical Mom. Thanks again :)

  3. Ok Mrs. Weber I will get off to you right away!



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