You want me to bring what?

I am sure all of you are starting to plan great class parties for all of your little ones.   I didn’t get to organize the Halloween party for my oldest son this year.  It’s ok it is good to let other people help(it is totally killing me) right?  But I about choked when she asked me to bring plastic spiders.  UMMMMMMM yea no!   EEEE gad plastic spiders, that is what you want me to bring?  I of course politely told her that I am sure I can come up with something spectacular.  Which pretty much constitutes anything other than a plastic spider.

Still makes me laugh, plastic spiders!

So here is what I am thinking.  Originally I was going to do this for my youngest prince but my oldest thinks they are still really cool.  We are making our own Pumpkin shaped crayons.  Jill at Homemade by Jill made some really cute car ones for her sons birthday and I wanted to give it a whirl for Halloween.  I still have to come up with a cute package for them, but I wanted to share.DSC_0334


Step 1.  Create your own little crayon peeling sweatshop.  Peel all the paper off the crayons.  You will need quite a few crayons.  I used about 100 and have about 30 pumpkin crayons.


Step 2 Melt your crayons down by placing them in an old tin can which is placed in boiling water.  I combined all of the like colors, and used a plastic spoon to stir them.  The can can get hot so you might want a hot pad to grab it.


Step 3 Pour the melted crayons into your mold.  This is a chocolate candy mold you can find them almost everywhere.  I think I saw a rat one I want to see if I can find that one for the oldest Prince.  Don’t be tempted to use the silicone molds it just doesn’t work right.  They turn all white and weird, I tried I know.  Then let them sit until they are set and they will pop right out.  If you are impatient which I totally am, you can pop the mold in the freezer.


Really a fun project, and they make molds for EVERYTHING, so you can make tons of them for every occasion.  These would be great stocking stuffers!

Just a little tip you can pick up 64 count crayons at the dollar store.  I am so kicking myself for not buying a ton of crayons when they were 25 cents before school.  Oh well I didn’t know about this really fun project then.

Sorry no plastic spiders are coming from this castle!


Holidays 7846235697980231721

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