Santa and His 45 Tiny Reindeer


No, Santa did not hire extra reindeer for the sleigh.  I made these cute treats for the kids class parties.  The oldest Prince now has a what seems like a million kids in his class so doing fun things like these are getting harder.  Acccckkk what am I going to do when I have all three of them in school?


I originally saw them over at Bakerella’s blog.  She makes the most amazing cake pops I have ever seen.  They are so cute you could just eat them up.  Ha!  I didn’t have the cute little letter E pretzels for the antlers so I just cut regular ones.  I like how whimsical they are.  I am no expert but Bakerella is and she gives you a great tutorial here.


They made a perfect centerpiece at the oldest Prince’s party.  I wrapped floral foam blocks and placed them in this cute little sleigh.

The kids ate every last one of them and thoroughly enjoyed them they were definitely the hit of the party.

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