Dippity-doo-da-Chocolate Dipped pretzels

We are in party mode at the castle this week, which means we are getting things prepped and ready in an orderly fashion

(ok so we really we are running around like mad getting everything done before Prince Charming goes to work and checking my to do list every two seconds hoping that things will be magically be marked off)

The youngest Prince wanted a “How to Train Your Dragon Party.”  I will show you all the fun things we are doing later cause well blogging isn’t really on my to do list, but hey a girl needs a break. 

Today I was able to mark off the chocolate dipped peg legs (aka pretzels)



Meet Goober he is my inspiration for this fun little treat.


These were so much fun to make, and very simple!


Here is what you will need.  Just pretend you see the white almond bark ok.


Simply melt the chocolate according to the instructions on the package, and dip your pretzels.  If you want to add sprinkles you will want to do that right after your have allowed the excess to drip off.  Once again Prince Charming was a super genius and discovered my cooling rack is perfect for holding up the pretzels while they dry.


If you want to make the swirls (which were my favorite)  You will want to dip your first layer and let that dry.  Then I used these squeeze bottles to add the swirls.  I just held the pretzel over my measuring cup and drizzled all of the sides.  Allow the swirls to dry and your are all set.


Aren’t those a fun little treat??

“Dippity-doo-daa, dippty dee aay my o my what a wonderful day” 

Ha! Just incase you needed a little something to sing while you are dipping! 

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