Super cute last minute gift idea

OMG there are only 5 days until Christmas! How can that be? I have neglected my blog because I have been a crafting fool, between the kids parties, and scouts I was so thankful I made it through the week. I made some fudge today, well really some really dry crumbly ice cream topping that was formerly known as fudge. Fudge is such a pain why do I bother??? I am feeling all Grinchy now! I wanted to share with you a super cute, easy and way affordable gift idea. Last month my nephew was selling shaped pasta as a fundraiser and it hit me. Ding, Ding, ding adorable gift for someone who has everything! I love gifts that you can eat up but they won't fatten you up at the same time. I gave these to my kids teachers, and scout leaders. You can easily do this with any pasta if you don't have the super cute shaped stuff. These cost around $7.00 but that is because I used the overpriced fundraiser pasta but it was for a good cause. If you used regular pasta you could easily make this for under $5.00

Grab a jar of sauce any kind will work. Measure the label on the jar, and cut a piece of scrapbooking paper to cover the label. You could remove the label but if someone has allergies they might like to know what they are eating. I wrapped the paper around the jar and label. Taped it down. Then using coordinating paper I created a new label with the super cute stampin up stamp. Glue this on the jar. I find my glue gun is best otherwise the force of being on a curve causes the label to pop off no matter how long I hold it. I cut a small piece of fabric to cover the lid on the jar secured it with a rubberband and wrapped it with raffia.

Then I put the jar of sauce, my Christmas shaped pasta and some rolls that I wrapped and tied with ribbon in a basket that I had. Wrapped it with some shrink wrap plastic and tied a bow. There you go super cute, way inexpensive and really easy.

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