This is one ball you don’t want to see drop

The Castle is going to be hopping on New Year’s Eve, we are parteeeeeeeee animals, and we need some munchies baby.

(ok so we are really old fuddy dudies that are so, going to be asleep on the couch no later than 10:00 PM on New Years but we still have to eat right?)

Here is a tried and true favorite on New Years Eve:


Pepperoni Cheese ball

(a big ol ball of cheese filled and rolled in pepperoni what is not to love?)


  • 1 8oz package softened cream cheese
  • 1 8oz package cold pack cheese spread- I use Kaukauna
  • 3 1/2 oz. pepperoni finely diced
  • 2 Tablespoon sour cream
  • Almonds (optional, which means I never have them so I opt to not have them)

Mix cheeses and sour cream together with a mixer. Add pepperoni reserving some for garnish.  Form into ball on serving platter and refrigerate until partially set, for about an hour.  Garnish with pepperoni and almonds (if you have them) 


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