The Witch’s Inn

Hey Everyone:

No I am not just crabby.  Ha get it the, “Witch is In.”

I am home with a barfy kid.  Well he barfed once and now he is perfectly fine and running around the house.  Nice! I could have sent him to school but then I would be the mom who sent a barfy kid to school.  

This is the cute sign I made in the mega crafting session this weekend.  Well I painted it at least, I finished the details today.  Then I took 110 pictures trying to get a good one.  It is going to go on my mantle, but for the love of Pete I can not get a good picture up there.  I swear I am taking those windows out.  Do you think Prince Charming would mind doing a major renovation in the name of my blog?

Yea your right probably not, but I could try!

This is super simple to put together.

1. Paint your board in my case it was part of the free cabinets I got.

DSC040152. Slap on a little crackle medium where the witch was going.  You gotta slap it on there or it doesn’t look right.

DSC040163. Cut my stencil out of contact paper with my Cricut.

4. Paint the witch and let her dry.

5. Stencil the lettering, witch(ha) I didn’t take a picture of but you are smart I know you can do it.

6.  Sand the heck out of it, to make it look all beat up. 

7.  Finish up with just a few touches of antiquing medium to age it, Witch(Ha again) you totally can’t see but I am NOT taking any more pictures of it.  You will just have to trust me. 


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  1. Great job on your sign. Sounds easy but I know a lot of work went into it.....



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